Olivia is the offspring of Hobby Horse Peaches N Cream and Fun in the Country’s Leviticus. Hobby Horse Peaches N Cream is an exceptional female. In addition to holding top 5% EPDs and great longevity in her fiber quality, she is a blue ribbon winner. Leviticus is a handsome with an exceptional pedigree, superb conformation, and strong fiber quality are sure to produce top offspring. He is a two-time Color Champion that also holds eight 1st place show ribbons.
Olivia has a pretty dark fawn coloring that is combined with great density and crimp structure. She was bred to bring her dam’s strong fiber qualities and blend them with her sir’s ability to produce dark offspring. She is carrying on the finest traits of her dam and sire.
Olivia is confident, low-key, and friendly. She is eager to greet her humans and she likes to approach with a kiss. We know she is going to be a farm favorite once our tour season starts this spring.
Color Genotype: EaAa
Olivia’s ASIP alleles show she has a brown allele that also carries black. Her MC1R alleles show she has one dilution. This genotype combination tells us she can produce offspring in the full range of colors.